Membership Directory
Please register so that your information can be included in the directory. If you choose, you can allow other members to see this information online— via this website or our app. Privacy controls are important, so members themselves determines how much information is shared.
Members have control of:
- their own passwords
- the ability to update information at any time
- the information that they choose to publish
Registered and logged in members can now view, search, download, and print the directory below.
View Searchable Directory Online
Parents love the added convenience of accessing the directory from the Membership Toolkit App. The app includes the directory and calendar —and links to the BVHS PTO site through their browser window.
The app is available free in the Apple Store and in Google Play. Download it one time for all of the organizations that you are affiliated with that are using Membership Toolkit. If you belong to more than one organization using Membership Toolkit, when you log in to the app you will see all organizations presented and you can toggle between organizations.
Upcoming Events
- Tuesday, February 25
- Wednesday, February 26
- Thursday, February 27